Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The Project

To engage disaffected year 12 boys.  To mentor a group of boys who are all underachieving in different ways/for different reasons.


To mentor a select group of boys that have been identified as under achieving and identified as having poor study habits.  To consider and experiment with different methods to encourage these students to be more active in their learning.  To consider a long term approach to the development of the study skills and the focus on lower achieving boys.  To work with student and parent to tackle reasons for underachievement and put together an action plan to help the student progress.

Students chosen

Edwin Irogeme
Bradley Flemming
Sam Rothery
Cameron Butler
Joshua Witter
Jerome Moore

Measurement of success 

Termly data to be reviewed, students should show progress from previous term after one to one mentoring.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good looking project Walter. Glad to see you have thought about measuring success, you may wish to discuss the timings of your measurements including those interim ones. I think we will use this blog during the last week of each term. In the meantime I should be able to see anything you wish to post about your secondment. Have a real think about what the secondment can do for you as well as what you can do for the students you named above.
